Friday, April 4, 2008

Avalokiteshvara Bodhisatva

1000-Armed Chenrezig
(Tibetan) or Avalokiteshvara in Sanskrit stands on a

Lotus: symbolising bodhicitta as it grows from suffering (mud), works its' way up through the waters of life to the surface of Enlightenment.

On the lotus is a moon disc: method-aspect (sun = wisdom) or bodhicitta; wishing to lead all sentient beings to enlightenment.

Chenresig's white colour represents purity and lack of selfishness.

1000 arms: how compassion looks to all sentient beings and reaches out to help.

The hand palms with eyes represent method (bodhicitta); the eyes represent wisdom 1000-arm Chenresig by Bob Jacobson

Chenresig's 11 heads are actually 10, which are the 10 perfections and Amitabha Buddha on top as "family-sign".

The Jewel in the first two hands is a 'wish-fulfilling gem': bodhicitta, the fulfilment of self and others happiness.

Lotus in the hand: as above lotus: bodhicitta

The mala represents the mantra/tantric aspect

Bow & arrow: wisdom hitting the target of enlightenment

Wheel: Dharma wheel of continuous teachings

Vase: initiation, tantric aspect

Mudra of supreme generosity (bottom right hand): bestowing realisations, the compassionate action Deerskin: having perfected compassion & patience

3 Circles of hands: 1st the Dharmakaya, 2nd the Samboghakaya, the 3rd represents the Nirmanakaya.

Dont miss this
This is the Chinese Disabled Performing Arts Troupe (they are deaf). It took them over 10 whole years to get to such a high level of perfection.
They are trying to represent the Avalokirteshwara.

Much Metta

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