Thursday, June 18, 2009

Wheel of Life {Bhavachakra}

-This mandala shows the Tibetan Buddhist perspective on life (samsara) through many Buddhist symbols, themes, and teachings
-Yama is depicted holding the wheel, he is a wrathful deity and the judge of the underworld. He is also considered a protector of Buddhism in Tibet.

The Twelve Interdependent Causes and their Effects
-The outer rim of the wheel is the depiction of the “Twelve Interdependent Causes and their Effects”

(Starting clockwise from top right)
1.The first depiction is of a blind old man with his stick unable to find his way. This
represents spiritual blindness and ignorance
2. This picture shows a potter whose pots symbolize his own deeds (thinking, speaking, and acting) with these he moulds his own karma (fate).
3. A monkey is shown in a tree springing from branch to branch which symbolizes the major consciousness which ignorant people spring uncontrolled from object to object.
4. A boat is show with two people which symbolizes name and form, spiritual and physical energy, inseparably floating on the stream of life.
5. A house with five windows and a door. The five windows symbolize the five senses and the door symbolizes the faculty of thought. These are the things by which the outer world is perceived.
6. A man and a woman embracing symbolizing the consequence of sensual perceptions.
7. This picture shows the emotions by which one is stuck like an arrow to the eye.
8. A woman offering a drink to man represents desire (falling in love), stimulation by perception and emotion which leads to a “thirst for life”.
9. A man is shown picking the fruits from a tree which represents “sensual entanglement” which is the longing to keep what is desired.
10. Procreation is depicted through the illustration of a man and wife sleeping together in a tent symbolizing becoming or existence.
11. The consequence of the previous picture is shown through the depiction of a woman giving birth to a child symbolizing birth.
12. The illustration of inevitable old age(decay) and death in earthly existences symbolized through the depiction of the Tibetan tradition of feeding a corpse to the vultures.

The Symbolic Six Worlds
-The areas between the six spokes represent the six forms of unenlightened existence.

(Starting clockwise from top)
1. Abode of the Gods: a temporary paradise achieved by the action of good deeds. Buddha is illustrated in the top right section with a dramnyen (lute) reminding the gods of their limited pleasures and guarding them against vanity and arrogance which deceives them into believing themselves to be everlasting. However these gods are not free from suffering, after thousands of human years, they are too are subject to old age and death. Thus their suffering is the illusion of eternity in their state of paradise. Their suffering lies in the eventual realization of this error.
2.The World of Men: driven by egoism and ignorance they suffer from the permanent repeated cycle of birth, sickness and death
3.The Realm of the Insatiable: Greedy ghosts suffer from hunger and thirst which they cannot appease or quench. They are depicted with tightened throats and bloated bellies. Buddha is also depicted with a jar of nectar for the hungry ghosts.
4. The World of Hells: There is a cold and hot hell. They are a place of torture for those who have committed evil deeds out of hatred and anger. This life is not eternal however, after being punished for their sins, rebirth into a better life is possible. Yama, the Lord of Death weighs the deeds of the deceased who enter into his kingdom, but he does not decide their fate since their fate has already been decided by themselves. The Buddha is depicted in the top left bringing light and hope to those even in the darkest region.
5. The World of Animals: They suffer from oppression by other beings and they devour each other and become “beasts of burden”
6. The World of the Titans: The titans are permanently warring against the gods and fighting for the fulfillment of their desires. They suffer due to the endless war and the result of envy and insatiable ambition.

The White Path
(Shown in the right of the ring surrounding the very center circle)
-This is the “Path of Bliss” which leads to better rebirths and towards a final liberation. Saints and sages are shown leading the virtuous along the path.

The Dark Path
(Shown in the left of the ring surrounding the very center circle)
-This is the path where the ignorant and sinners are dragged along by demons armed with nooses. This is the path for those who engage in ignorance, envy and hatred, and greed. This path leads to hells and bad rebirths.

The Roots of Evil
(Shown at the very center of the wheel)
-The force that drives the wheel from its hub. Depicted are 3 symbolic animals known as the “Three Unwholesome Roots” because from them grow all the evils of life, or as the “Three Poisons” because they corrupt from within. The cock represents greed, the snake hatred and the pig ignorance, and these are the three things that create all human bondage and misery.

(Shown at the very top right of the illustration)
-Buddha is shown representing the potential nirvana possible for all living beings. Nirvana is also possible for all of the beings depicted in the wheel of life.

(Shown at the very top left of the illustration)
-The Bodhisattava of compassion looks down in compassion. He is saddened for those suffering in all the six realms. The Bodhisattava is the link between the mundane and the transcendental. He represents the drive within the ordinary to fulfill the transcendental. This link is depicted, if you look closely you can see a discrete line drawn from the top of the “White Path” leading to Buddha representing those beings attaining nirvana.

Man wih four wives

This story was said by Ajahm Brahamvamso , a Australian Buddhist monk.The process of rebirth

Once upon a time , there was a man with four wives.
He is getting to end of his life , he was on his death bed and was worried what would happen to him after he die.And so he calls his fourth wife ,the wife he married later on in his life and she was very very attractive.,in fact she was so beautiful and she made many many things possible for him.especially invitation to high societies.she was his pass book in parties ,reception and concerts.He bought her to her bedside and said darling i love you very much , you ve been so good to me ,she said yes i love you too , he said that he was about to die .,well that's so sad said his fourth wife and i will be lonely without you and so will you please come to me in death.

Whatt ,No Wayyyy.

I am not gonna die wih you.what do you think , but what i will promise you I will go to your funeral and speak about you and praise you to every body.,is that all.thats all I can do and will do.
all I thought you love me
Get outt of here and he chased his fourth wife out.

Now he called his third wife in,he married her before the fourth wife.the third wife was a little bit older., but yet attractive.The third wife made her more things possible and was really really helpful for him.She made her being a comfortable house and comfortable living ,that was all because of third wife what she was and so he brought his third wife in and said ''Darling I love you very much and i am much attached to you and she said ''I love you too darling '' and he said that i was about to die .,I am afraid would you come to me into death.NOOO that cant be done and will never do that ., but 1 thing I can do is I will attend your funeral and also pay for it.,and I will make sure that you get wonderful funeral.
H e said then what will you do .,

She said that after your death.,I will probably go with your elder son.

"Whattt" claime the man''

Grr i havent even died yet and you are thinking of after death.

Get out of here!!!!!!

So he talked his 3 rd wife , he still had two to go.

So he calls his second wife ,he knew his second wife long long ago time ago and she wasnt pretty at all.But she was one of the women who was wise and helpful.She was always there for him.,especially in times of trouble.

He called his second wife and said ''I know you for such a long time ago and i am about to die and really afraid of dying and being alone .,would you I know these other two said no , but would you please come with me into death.Second wife looked him and said ''Darling i really loved to "If I could I would surely do , but what i can do is come to your grave side,as far as i can come , I am sorry.
GET OUT he said.!!!!

And he still had one wife left and this wife he knew her so long couldnt remember the time before he met her and she was very neglected ,the two later had jwelerry and fine clothes and 1 st wife was was badly dressed and lived simple but behind the scene she worked for him very but he never really appreciated her or really supported her or helped her at all and he looked her and said you are my last chance.I ve known you for so long and i am so connected to you ,she said yeah we ve got very deep connection together and he ask's the question ''I am about to die''will you come to me into death ??? and

she smiled and said sure I will.,
I go with you every where ., thats what my name is

Mrs Karma.

I go with you life to life where as your second wife Mrs Family , your family loves you and always support you and be there with you and can go as far as your grave side but no more you cant take them with you.

And the third wife , that was called Mrs Money.,you get that later on in your life .Mrs money can pay for wonderful funeral for you , mrs money can do so much in your life but can mrs money go with you into death , certainly no.After you die Mrs money will go with your son.

And fourth wife which you get in your life is called mrs fame ,your reputation who makes many things possible for you but can accompany you only till ur death bed.

Never neglect your karma.