Saturday, July 4, 2009

Who is he?

Your alarm goes off; you hit the snooze and sleep for another 10 minutes
He stays up for days on end

You take a warm shower to help you wake up
He goes days or weeks without running water

You complain of a 'headache', and call in sick
He gets shot at as others are hit, and keeps moving forward

You put on your anti war/don't support the troops shirt,
and go meet up with your friends
He still fights for your right to wear that shirt

You talk trash about your 'buddies' that aren't with you
He knows he may not see some of his buddies again

You walk down the beach, staring at all the pretty girls
He walks the streets, searching for insurgents and terrorists

You complain about how hot it is
He wears his heavy gear, not daring to take off his helmet to wipe his brow

You go out to lunch, and complain because the restaurant got
your order wrong
He doesn't get to eat today

Your wife/mother/ maid makes your bed and washes your clothes
He wears the same things for weeks, but makes sure his weapons are clean

You go to the mall and get your hair redone
He doesn't have time to brush his teeth today

You're angry because your class ran 5 minutes over
He's told he will be held over an extra 2 months

You call your girlfriend and set a date for tonight
He waits for the mail to see if there is a letter from home

You hug and kiss your girlfriend, like you do everyday
He holds his letter close and smells his love's perfume

You roll your eyes as a baby cries
He gets a letter with pictures of his new child, and wonders if they'll ever meet

You criticize your government, and say that war never solves anything...
He sees the innocent tortured and killed by their own people and remembers why he is fighting

You hear the jokes about the war, and make fun of men like him
He hears the gunfire, bombs and screams of the wounded - and of the innocents who have no one to stand up for them

You see only what the media wants you to see
He sees the broken bodies lying around him

You stay at home and watch TV
He takes whatever time he is given to call, write home, sleep, and eat

You crawl into your soft bed, with down pillows, and get comfortable
He crawls under a tank for shade and a 5 minute nap, only to be awakened by gunfire

You sit there and judge him, saying the world is probably a worse place because of men like him
If only there were more men like him!

WHO the hell is HE ?
Who else ............ other than


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Wheel of Life {Bhavachakra}

-This mandala shows the Tibetan Buddhist perspective on life (samsara) through many Buddhist symbols, themes, and teachings
-Yama is depicted holding the wheel, he is a wrathful deity and the judge of the underworld. He is also considered a protector of Buddhism in Tibet.

The Twelve Interdependent Causes and their Effects
-The outer rim of the wheel is the depiction of the “Twelve Interdependent Causes and their Effects”

(Starting clockwise from top right)
1.The first depiction is of a blind old man with his stick unable to find his way. This
represents spiritual blindness and ignorance
2. This picture shows a potter whose pots symbolize his own deeds (thinking, speaking, and acting) with these he moulds his own karma (fate).
3. A monkey is shown in a tree springing from branch to branch which symbolizes the major consciousness which ignorant people spring uncontrolled from object to object.
4. A boat is show with two people which symbolizes name and form, spiritual and physical energy, inseparably floating on the stream of life.
5. A house with five windows and a door. The five windows symbolize the five senses and the door symbolizes the faculty of thought. These are the things by which the outer world is perceived.
6. A man and a woman embracing symbolizing the consequence of sensual perceptions.
7. This picture shows the emotions by which one is stuck like an arrow to the eye.
8. A woman offering a drink to man represents desire (falling in love), stimulation by perception and emotion which leads to a “thirst for life”.
9. A man is shown picking the fruits from a tree which represents “sensual entanglement” which is the longing to keep what is desired.
10. Procreation is depicted through the illustration of a man and wife sleeping together in a tent symbolizing becoming or existence.
11. The consequence of the previous picture is shown through the depiction of a woman giving birth to a child symbolizing birth.
12. The illustration of inevitable old age(decay) and death in earthly existences symbolized through the depiction of the Tibetan tradition of feeding a corpse to the vultures.

The Symbolic Six Worlds
-The areas between the six spokes represent the six forms of unenlightened existence.

(Starting clockwise from top)
1. Abode of the Gods: a temporary paradise achieved by the action of good deeds. Buddha is illustrated in the top right section with a dramnyen (lute) reminding the gods of their limited pleasures and guarding them against vanity and arrogance which deceives them into believing themselves to be everlasting. However these gods are not free from suffering, after thousands of human years, they are too are subject to old age and death. Thus their suffering is the illusion of eternity in their state of paradise. Their suffering lies in the eventual realization of this error.
2.The World of Men: driven by egoism and ignorance they suffer from the permanent repeated cycle of birth, sickness and death
3.The Realm of the Insatiable: Greedy ghosts suffer from hunger and thirst which they cannot appease or quench. They are depicted with tightened throats and bloated bellies. Buddha is also depicted with a jar of nectar for the hungry ghosts.
4. The World of Hells: There is a cold and hot hell. They are a place of torture for those who have committed evil deeds out of hatred and anger. This life is not eternal however, after being punished for their sins, rebirth into a better life is possible. Yama, the Lord of Death weighs the deeds of the deceased who enter into his kingdom, but he does not decide their fate since their fate has already been decided by themselves. The Buddha is depicted in the top left bringing light and hope to those even in the darkest region.
5. The World of Animals: They suffer from oppression by other beings and they devour each other and become “beasts of burden”
6. The World of the Titans: The titans are permanently warring against the gods and fighting for the fulfillment of their desires. They suffer due to the endless war and the result of envy and insatiable ambition.

The White Path
(Shown in the right of the ring surrounding the very center circle)
-This is the “Path of Bliss” which leads to better rebirths and towards a final liberation. Saints and sages are shown leading the virtuous along the path.

The Dark Path
(Shown in the left of the ring surrounding the very center circle)
-This is the path where the ignorant and sinners are dragged along by demons armed with nooses. This is the path for those who engage in ignorance, envy and hatred, and greed. This path leads to hells and bad rebirths.

The Roots of Evil
(Shown at the very center of the wheel)
-The force that drives the wheel from its hub. Depicted are 3 symbolic animals known as the “Three Unwholesome Roots” because from them grow all the evils of life, or as the “Three Poisons” because they corrupt from within. The cock represents greed, the snake hatred and the pig ignorance, and these are the three things that create all human bondage and misery.

(Shown at the very top right of the illustration)
-Buddha is shown representing the potential nirvana possible for all living beings. Nirvana is also possible for all of the beings depicted in the wheel of life.

(Shown at the very top left of the illustration)
-The Bodhisattava of compassion looks down in compassion. He is saddened for those suffering in all the six realms. The Bodhisattava is the link between the mundane and the transcendental. He represents the drive within the ordinary to fulfill the transcendental. This link is depicted, if you look closely you can see a discrete line drawn from the top of the “White Path” leading to Buddha representing those beings attaining nirvana.

Man wih four wives

This story was said by Ajahm Brahamvamso , a Australian Buddhist monk.The process of rebirth

Once upon a time , there was a man with four wives.
He is getting to end of his life , he was on his death bed and was worried what would happen to him after he die.And so he calls his fourth wife ,the wife he married later on in his life and she was very very attractive.,in fact she was so beautiful and she made many many things possible for him.especially invitation to high societies.she was his pass book in parties ,reception and concerts.He bought her to her bedside and said darling i love you very much , you ve been so good to me ,she said yes i love you too , he said that he was about to die .,well that's so sad said his fourth wife and i will be lonely without you and so will you please come to me in death.

Whatt ,No Wayyyy.

I am not gonna die wih you.what do you think , but what i will promise you I will go to your funeral and speak about you and praise you to every body.,is that all.thats all I can do and will do.
all I thought you love me
Get outt of here and he chased his fourth wife out.

Now he called his third wife in,he married her before the fourth wife.the third wife was a little bit older., but yet attractive.The third wife made her more things possible and was really really helpful for him.She made her being a comfortable house and comfortable living ,that was all because of third wife what she was and so he brought his third wife in and said ''Darling I love you very much and i am much attached to you and she said ''I love you too darling '' and he said that i was about to die .,I am afraid would you come to me into death.NOOO that cant be done and will never do that ., but 1 thing I can do is I will attend your funeral and also pay for it.,and I will make sure that you get wonderful funeral.
H e said then what will you do .,

She said that after your death.,I will probably go with your elder son.

"Whattt" claime the man''

Grr i havent even died yet and you are thinking of after death.

Get out of here!!!!!!

So he talked his 3 rd wife , he still had two to go.

So he calls his second wife ,he knew his second wife long long ago time ago and she wasnt pretty at all.But she was one of the women who was wise and helpful.She was always there for him.,especially in times of trouble.

He called his second wife and said ''I know you for such a long time ago and i am about to die and really afraid of dying and being alone .,would you I know these other two said no , but would you please come with me into death.Second wife looked him and said ''Darling i really loved to "If I could I would surely do , but what i can do is come to your grave side,as far as i can come , I am sorry.
GET OUT he said.!!!!

And he still had one wife left and this wife he knew her so long couldnt remember the time before he met her and she was very neglected ,the two later had jwelerry and fine clothes and 1 st wife was was badly dressed and lived simple but behind the scene she worked for him very but he never really appreciated her or really supported her or helped her at all and he looked her and said you are my last chance.I ve known you for so long and i am so connected to you ,she said yeah we ve got very deep connection together and he ask's the question ''I am about to die''will you come to me into death ??? and

she smiled and said sure I will.,
I go with you every where ., thats what my name is

Mrs Karma.

I go with you life to life where as your second wife Mrs Family , your family loves you and always support you and be there with you and can go as far as your grave side but no more you cant take them with you.

And the third wife , that was called Mrs Money.,you get that later on in your life .Mrs money can pay for wonderful funeral for you , mrs money can do so much in your life but can mrs money go with you into death , certainly no.After you die Mrs money will go with your son.

And fourth wife which you get in your life is called mrs fame ,your reputation who makes many things possible for you but can accompany you only till ur death bed.

Never neglect your karma.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

** Raja Shivaji Chatrapati **

A magnum opus of the hero who fought for the pride of the people. An immortal story of courage and self-respect that is etched deeply in the heart of every Maharashtrian is shot on a scale that will redefine magnificence on television in India.

Shivaji title track From Raja Shivachatrapati (With english Subtitles)

One of the most inspiring poem written by kavi Bhushan at the time of coronation of Raja Shiv Chatrapati.

Devnagari Script :

इन्द्र जिमि जृम्भा पर
बाडव सअंभ पर
रावण सदंभ पर
रघुकुल राज है !

पवन बारिबाह पर
संभु रतिनाह पर
ज्यों सहसबाह पर
राम द्विजराज हैं !

दावा दृमदंड पर
चीता मृगझुन्द पर
भूषण वितुण्ड पर
जैसे मृगराज हैं !

तेज तमअंस पर
कन्ह जिमि कंस पर
त्यों म्लेंच्छ बंस पर
शेर शिवराज हैं!!!!!!!!!!!

English Translation

Indra jimi jambha par,
badav su-ambha par,
ravana sadambha par raghu-kul-raj hai;
paun baribaha par,
Sambhu rati-nath par,
jyaun sahasrabahu par ram dwijaraj hai;
dava drum-danda par,
cheeta mrig-jhunda par,
bhusan vitunda par jaise mrigraj hai;
tej tam ansa par,
kanha jimi kansa par,
tyon malechchha-vansha par Sher Shivaraj hai!!!

-Kaviraj Bhushan

Meaning :

Like Indra on demons,
like lord of the raghus on boastful ravana,
like vamana on bali,
like lord Siva on rati's husband,
and like parasurama, the lord of brahmana-s, on sahasrabahu,
like fire acts upon woods,
and a Cheetha on a herd of deers ,
like lion on hogs,
says Bhusana, like a ray of light upon darkness,
or like boy Krishna upon kansa,
like that, upon the clan of mlechchha's, has descended king Shivaji ,the Tiger.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Love, sex top murder motives in cities

The country might be shocked by the recent murders of Arushi Talwar in Noida and Neeraj Grover in Mumbai allegedly for reasons connected with love affairs, but such relationships and sexual causes are the leading cause of murders in some of India's most urbanized states. ( Watch )

According to data compiled by the National Crime Records Bureau, while love affairs and sexual causes are among the top three motives for all murders and culpable homicides committed in the country in 2006, in states like Punjab, Delhi, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh they are the top cause for murders.

At the all-India level, personal enmity accounted for 10% of all killings, while 8% people lost their life due to property disputes and 7% were killed because of love affairs or sexual causes. The data says 64% of murder cases were related to other motives, not classified, which is not defined.

However, killings for motives that can be traced to love affairs and sexual causes accounts for more than 10% of cases in most states with a high degree of urbanization. In contrast, in states with low urbanization like Bihar, Assam, Chhattisgarh or Orissa, property disputes or personal enmity are more likely to lead to people getting killed.

Cases related to love affairs were the largest classified motive of murder in Punjab, Delhi, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra. Apart from these states, the motive in more than 10% of murders (or culpable homicide not amounting to murder) in Tamil Nadu, Goa, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Sikkim and Madhya Pradesh is also love or sexual reasons.

On the other hand, barely 4% of all killings in Uttranchal, Rajasthan and Bihar, 2% in Assam and J&K and 1% in West Bengal, Kerala, Meghalaya are related to love affairs. Such killings in Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Daman and Diu Pondicherry and Chandigarh accounted for a negligible proportion.

The pattern suggests some connection with urbanization, though not a simple one-to-one correspondence. One explanation for this could be that less urbanised societies provide fewer chances of contact with the members of the opposite sex outside the bounds of family and kinship.

Bride rejects groom for poor maths

GOPALGANJ: Mathematics is tough for many, everybody knows. But what if it starts to tell on the nuptial bonds, then it becomes painful.

It may appear strange, but it is true and this happenned in Bhore of Gopalganj district where a bride rejected her groom as he failed to solve a simple mathematical puzzle of four and three during a marriage ceremony there.

It so happenned that the marriage of Sarita Kumari, daughter of Vishwanath Prasad of Jagtauli village in Bhore police station, was fixed with Tinku, a resident of Karom village in Siwan district. The `baraat' party reached the bride's house and all the rituals were performed by the women of the family.

Tinku was taken inside for marriage and then things went topsy turvy for the bridegroom. Some of the women asked him to give answer to sum of three and four. And Tinku failed to solve the simple mathematical puzzle.

When the bride came to know that her would-be husband could not solve such a simple question, she refused to marry him and left the mandup. Both the families sat together and tried to solve the problem. And finally, the girl agreed to marry Pintu, Tinku's younger brother. And the marriage was solemnised three days after. And poor Tinku had to return empty-handed.

One Hundred & One Reasons to be Vegetarian


People Land Air Water Efficiency Animals Health


  1. Every year in the UK we feed our livestock enough food to feed 250,000,000 people while in the world 30,000,000 people die of starvation
  2. 20 vegetarians can live off the land required by one meat eater
  3. Every 3 seconds a child dies of starvation somewhere in the world
  4. If Americans reduced their meat consumption by 10% it would free 12,000,000 tons of grain - enough to feed 60,000,000 people (the population of Great Britain)
  5. If all Americans became vegetarian, it would free enough grain to feed 600,000,000 people (the population of India)
  6. Intensification in animal farming has displaced 1,000,000's of people from their traditional lands - eg. indigenous people in south & central america, native americans in north america & crofters in Great Britain - this is continuing today
  7. People displaced from their lands into cities succumb to dietary deficiency, diseases, parasites & opportunistic diseases
  8. In third world countries 1 in 10 babies die before their first birthday
  9. The UK imports �46,000,000 worth of grain from third world countries to feed our livestock
  10. Due to overgrazing 850,000,000 people live on land threatened by desertification & over 230,000,000 already live on land so severely desertified that they are unable to sustain their existence & face imminent starvation
  11. 1,000,000,000 people in the west gorging on meat & dairy leave 1,000,000,000 to waste away & 3,500,000,000 teeter on the brink


  12. If they continue to clear American forests to raise cattle at the present rate, in 50 years there will be none left
  13. 1 acre yields 165 lbs of beef or 20,000 lbs of potatoes
  14. 8/10 of cultivated land in the UK is used to grow food for animals (14,732,000 hectares)
  15. It takes 16lbs of high protein soya to produce 1 lb of beef
  16. Since 1945 in the UK we have lost 95% of flower meadows, 50% of ancient woodlands, 40% of heathlands, 50% of wet lands & 224,000 km of hedgerows all due to animal farming
  17. Pressure on land due to meat farming leads to soil erosion 6billion tons/year in the USA
  18. If everyone went vegetarian upto 90% of land used for animal farming could be taken out of production & used to replant woodlands, leisure activities etc.
  19. 25% of Central america's forests have been destroyed for cattle grazing since 1960
  20. Between 1966-1983 38% of the Amazon rain forest was destroyed for cattle grazing
  21. 90% of cattle ranches established on cleared forest land go bankrupt in less than 8 years as the land becomes barren due to nutrient loss & overgrazing
  22. Overgrazing by cattle is destroying the land & increasing desertification, nearly 430 million acres in the USA alone has suffered a 25-50% reduction in yield since first grazed
  23. An inch of topsoil takes 200-1000 years to develop - yet in the USA they have lost around 1/3 of their prime topsoil in 200 years (around 7 inches) due to animal farming
  24. Land will be lost due to rises in sea level due to global warming due to animal farming


  25. The destruction of the rainforest by cattle farmers is destroying the lungs of the planet & reducing the worlds capacity to replenish our oxygen supply
  26. The 1,300,000,000 cattle in the world emit 60,000,000 tons of methane per year (methane is a greenhouse gas & leads to global warming)
  27. Burning of forests, grasslands & agricultural waste associated with animal farming releases 50-100,000,000 tons of methane per year
  28. Combining these figures, 25% of methane emissions are due to animal farming (not including the billions of sheep, pigs & poultry so the real figure is much higher)
  29. Fertilizer used to grow crops to feed to animals releases nitrous oxide - thought to account for 6% of the greenhouse effect
  30. Fertilizer, weedkiller & pesticides sprayed on crops enter the atmosphere creating a noxious carcinogenic cocktail
  31. CFCs are released into the air from refrigeration units used to store decomposing flesh (meat), milk & butter - CFCs are destroy the ozone layer
  32. Ammonia from animal urine also pollutes the atmosphere
  33. CO2 is released by burning oil & petrol in lorries, ships, abattoirs, dairies, factories etc. associated with meat & dairy production
  34. Emissions from large chemical plants which produce fertilizer, weedkiller & other agricultural chemicals are also poisoning our air


  35. 25 gallons of water to produce 1lb of wheat & 2500 gallons to produce 1lb of meat
  36. UK farm animals produce 200,000,000 tonnes of slurry (liquid excrement) every year, the majority of which ends up in our rivers
  37. Bloody waste water from abattoirs ends up in our rivers
  38. In the USA every second humans produce 12,000 lbs of effluent while farmed animals produce 250,000 lbs
  39. Nitrates & pesticides used on crops grown to feed livestock end up in our rivers
  40. Meat & dairy farming uses 70 litres of water per day per animal in the UK or 159,250,000,000 litres per year in total
  41. The water used to produce 10 lbs of steak is equivalent to the average consumption of water for an entire household for an entire year
  42. Depletion of groundwater reserves to grow crops for animals & to supply abattoirs will lead to greater water shortages
  43. Aquafers (stores of underground water) in the San Joaquin valley in the USA are being drained at the rate of 500,000,000,000 gallons/year to produce meat
  44. 18% of all agricultural land in the world is irrigated & as global warming increases (partly due to animal farming) it will cost $200,000,000 to keep these systems going
  45. The water used to produce a 1000 lb beef steer is enough to float a Destroyer battleship
  46. The liquid waste from the various parts of the meat & dairy industry flow into the rivers & from there into the seas polluting them & encouraging huge algal blooms to grow


  47. To produce 1calorie of energy from meat takes 60 calories of petrol, whereas growing grains & legumes to directly feed people produces 20 calories for each calorie of fuel used ( thats 1200 times more efficient)
  48. Meat & dairy farming uses billions of gallons of oil to run tractors, fuel ships & lorries (to move animal feed & animals), pump billions of gallons of water to irrigate fields & run slaughterhouses, power refrigeration units to prevent the corpses from decomposing & to power sewage plants to clean up some of the pollution produced
  49. Cattle convert only 6% of their energy intake (mainly grains & soya) into flesh, the remaining 94% is wasted as heat, movement (which is why they keep many animals in very close confinement), hair, bones, faeces etc
  50. 1lb of beef takes 1 gallon of petrol to produce
  51. A family of four eating beef for a year uses enough petrol to run a car for 6 months (obviously depending on how far you drive!)
  52. If the full ecological cost of meat was passed onto the consumer - the price would be quadrupled (at least)
  53. The EC spends �100,000,000's to subsidise animal production resulting in lakes of unwanted milk & mountains of unwanted meat & butter. This money could be better spent encouraging organic fruit, vegetable & grain production
  54. In the USA in 1979 145,000,000 tons of crops were fed to cattle resulting in only 21million tons of animal bodies - the cost of the wasted crops was $20,000,000,000
  55. Between 1950 & 1985 grain production in Europe & the USA increased massively but 2/3 was fed to animals
  56. 70% of all grain is fed to animals
  57. Eating vast quantities of animal flesh, eggs, milk & butter is a luxury that most of the planet can not afford


  58. Fishing with drift (and other modern) nets weakens & destroys ecosystems by indiscriminately killing billions of sea creatures & disrupting the sea bed
  59. Fishermen's nets kill 10 times as many other animals as the fish they are hoping to catch
  60. Fish caught in nets die an agonising slow death of suffocation
  61. Each year 15,000,000,000 land animals are slaughtered for food & an unknown but much larger number of sea creatures (including 1000's of dolphins caught accidentally)
  62. Chickens are crammed into battery cages with upto 3 other birds, they are unable to even spread their wings & many can not even stand up
  63. Unwanted male chicks (because they can't lay eggs) are gassed or pulped while their sisters go to the battery sheds
  64. Chicks are debeaked without anaesthetic to prevent them injuring each other in the unnaturally confined conditions they are kept in - this is equivalent to having your fingernails pulled out without anaesthetic
  65. Modern farming methods using growth hormones & artificial lighting mean that many chickens out grow their bones, resulting in fractured & broken legs
  66. Sows are kept tethered in stalls 1.3 x 1 metre on concrete or slatted floors - they can not even turn around
  67. Poultry raised for meat are kept in windowless broiler sheds, with around 20-30,000 in each shed, they live in an area of 10-20 cm square - fighting due to overcrowding is common & like battery hens they commonly suffer from supperating bed sores
  68. Broilersheds are artificially lit 23 hours a day to produce rapid growth
  69. Animals travel between farms & to slaughter in overcrowded transporters with no food or water - resulting in stress, injuries & deaths - legal requirements are widely ignored
  70. 95% of poultry suffer injuries before being killed & 30% suffer broken bones
  71. Problems with stunning practices mean that many animals have their throats slit while still conscious (around 6% of cattle or 200,000 per year) & are then dipped in tanks of scalding water (to loosen feathers, bristles etc.) again while fully conscious
  72. 4000 animals die spurting their blood out every minute in a British slaughterhouse
  73. Calf leather comes from animals killed at just 2 weeks old
  74. Cows were fed on the ground up remains of other cows & sheep - the result is thought to be BSE (mad cow disease) in the USA cattle are fed partly on recycled plastic pellets
  75. Cows only give milk for 10 months after they have a calf - so they are routinely artificially inseminated (ie. mechanically raped) to keep them pregnant & milking - their calves are taken away (usually at 12 hours old) for meat or export to veal crates
  76. Cows would naturally live upto 20 years but are slaughtered after 5-7 years when their milk production begins to fall
  77. In the UK animals are killed by first being stunned with electricity or a captive bolt gun (ie. a bolt is fired into their heads) before having their throats slit & being plunged into boiling water - all this happens on a production line with the animals being hung upside down from a moving conveyor belt - this is factory farming
  78. "Animals are those unfortunate slaves & victims of the most brutal part of mankind" - John Stewart Mill (philosopher)
  79. Veal calves are confined in stalls in the dark, unable to move & are fed on pigs blood , chocolate & dried milk (we are drinking the rich fresh milk of their mothers)
  80. Cows naturally produce 5 litres of milk per day for their calves - under the intensified systems of modern farming they produce 25-40 litres per day - resulting in swollen & inflamed udders - at this rate they are soon worn out
  81. Large areas of land are under monoculture to grow crops to feed to animals - these areas are wildlife deserts supporting fewer & fewer species.


  82. Vegetarians have a 20% lower rate of mortality from all causes (ie. they live longer & don't get sick as often)
  83. Meat is full of traces of antibiotics, hormones, toxins produced by stress & pesticide residues that become concentrated from all the crops they have eaten
  84. Fish contain heavy metals & other pollutants -many of which originated on farms
  85. The world health organisation recommends a diet low in saturated fat, sugar, salt & with plenty of fibre - exactly what you get on a vegan/vegetarian diet
  86. Farmed animals contain upto 50% saturated fat in their bodies
  87. Vegetarians have 24% reduced risk of getting heart disease & Vegans a 57% reduction (heart disease is the biggest killer in the UK accounting for 50% of deaths)
  88. Obesity is rare in vegetarians, obesity is related to many diseases
  89. Vegans & vegetarians have lower blood pressure & cholesterol levels - high levels are associated with heart disease, strokes & kidney failure
  90. Vegetarians have a 50% reduced risk of dying of diabetes
  91. Vegetarians have a 40% reduced level of cancer than the general population thought to be because they have a higher intake of vitamins A,C & E
  92. Vegetarians have a reduced risk of developing gall & kidney stones
  93. 80% of food poisoning is due to infected meat (faeces, bacteria etc.) after all meat is decomposing flesh - most of the rest is due to salmonella in eggs
  94. Osteoporosis due to calcium loss from bones is mainly due to the sulphur content in meat & casein protein in milk that cause calcium to be lost in the urine - the countries with the highest meat & dairy consumption are those with the highest levels of brittle bones
  95. 50% of people do not have the enzyme to digest milk properly & milk allergy is related to asthma & eczema
  96. Meat eaters have double the rate of Alzheimers disease as Vegans & Vegetarians - some people also think that Parkinsons disease is also linked to meat eating
  97. Egg yolk is a dense concentration of saturated fat & the white is high in albumin protein associated with leaching calcium into your urine. Butter is 80% saturated fat, cream is 40% saturated fat & cheese is 25-40% saturated fat
  98. Meat eaters are two and a half times more likely to get bowel cancer than Vegetarians
  99. The cling film used to wrap meat in supermarkets & butchers contains chemicals linked to falling sperm counts in men
  100. Chinese people (living mainly on a vegetarian diet) consume 20% more calories than Americans but Americans are 20% fatter
  101. Of 2,100,000 deaths in the USA in 1987, 1,500,000 were related to diet (ie. meat & dairy)


If you've read this far, I hope that you are beginning to see that the Meat & Dairy industry is a major contributor to misery on this planet. It is destroying the health of people in rich countries, starving those in poor countries, it is torturing & killing billions of animals every year and in the meantime it is one of the major factors in the destruction of the environment - so what does the meat & dairy industry have to say in it's defence?

Well their only real point is usually "Meat is tasty" - fair enough a lot of people enjoy the taste of meat - but there are plenty of delicious alternatives (just consider the huge range of vegetarian dishes in Indian cooking - one of the oldest & most sophisticated cuisines in the world) and if you really crave meat & dairy, nowadays there are plenty of healthy non animal alternatives - just look in the supermarket & health food shop. So I hope you will agree it's pretty pathetic to consider all the evidence & then say "well I know you're right about the environment & health & the animals - but I just love my meat"

Reasons to be vegetarian

Meet your Meat